Illustration of Coventry

Knowledge Centre

Expert insights on savings and mortgages 

Knowledge Centre

Expert insights on savings and mortgages 

Illustration of Coventry

Whether you're a saver interested in aligning your values with your financial choices whilst looking to maximise your savings pot. Or you're a homeowner looking to make your home more energy efficient, our Knowledge Centre is your go-to resource.


It's filled with articles to keep you informed about the latest trends and developments, from sustainable living to financial wellbeing. Navigate the complexities of modern life and make informed decisions that matter today.

Savings articles

Illustration of a person gardening and planting a seed

ISAs explained


Dive into our cash ISA blogs and test your knowledge with our quiz.


Planning ahead for a lower interest rate environment


What do you need to think about when interest rates start to drop?

Illustration of a woman and a large house key

Top savings tips for first time buyers


Savings tips to support you in that journey towards your dream home.

Illustration of a person gardening and planting a seed

How to become a savvy saver


Navigating your savings journey by making smart choices.

Illustration of a man of phone

Looking ahead in 2024 - what you need to know


What you need to know for this year following on from the Autumn Statement.

Illustration of couple with documents

Back of the couch to financially fit 


Now’s a fantastic time to start work on your financial fitness!

Illustration of a people talking on a bench

What is the Personal Savings Allowance?


The Personal Savings Allowance (or PSA) isn’t as complicated as it sounds.


Saving in a high-rate environment?


What types of savings accounts should you consider in a high interest rate environment? 


Choosing an account for children


Starting them on their savings journey with an account that's right for them.

Illustration of a person gardening and planting a seed

Your first steps to saving smart


How to get into a good savings habit by following a few easy steps. 

Homeowner articles


Why staying with us could be a good choice for your next mortgage


Is your current mortgage deal coming to an end? Product transfers are a quick way to transfer to a new rate.

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Five factors to consider beyond the mortgage rate


It's good to be in the know when considering a mortgage.

Two people having a cup of tea

Essential steps for new homeowners


You’ve got the keys to your first home, what’s next?

Seven simple steps to become a first time buyer


Seven steps to put yourself in prime position for homeowenership.

Illustration of a family moving

10 steps to buying your first home


A step by step guide of what you need to know.


Illustration of a couple decorating

The cost of being a first time buyer


Find out what costs are involved when buying your first home.



Product transfer or remortgage?


Making an informed choice based on your individual circumstances.



Considered an Offset mortgage?


Explore the advantages of Offset mortgages and make your savings work for you.

Homeowner articles


Product transfer or remortgage?


Making an informed choice based on your individual circumstances.



Considered an Offset mortgage?


Explore the advantages of Offset mortgages and make your savings work for you.

Environment, sustainability and fraud articles

Illustration of a man with suitcase

Holiday fraud


Five tips to staying safe when booking your next holiday.


B Corp


The first UK Building Society to get a B Corp certification. But what does it mean for you? 

Going green?


Which energy efficient home improvements will help you most?

Illustration of a person hacking a laptop

Green scams


Keep vigilant and avoid the green scams.