We create and develop solid and sustainable relationships with our suppliers based on trust, mutual interest and high standards.
Our procurement process
Due diligence
Potential suppliers to Coventry Building Society are invited to complete a Due Diligence Questionnaire that includes topics around environmental, social and governance issues, as well as business and security information.
Supplier evaluation
Technical and commercial questions form part of our tender process alongside environmental, social, governance and sustainability questions.
Evaluating the sustainability activities of potential and current suppliers identifies those that are aligned to the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) or are willing to do so as part of their contract with Coventry Building Society.
Supplier onboarding
If successful in our evaluation, suppliers will be asked to register on our payment platform.
This is required for suppliers to receive a valid purchase order, which is needed for all invoices. Here you can read our Purchase Order Terms (PDF 47.2KB)
Working with suppliers in a sustainable and responsible way
Since 2021, Coventry Building Society has been committed to the UNGC and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
We're signatories of the UNEP Principles for Responsible Banking (UNEP Principles) and have identified four of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) to prioritise.
We evaluate commitment to sustainability in all tenders. And our Procurement and Supplier Relationship Management team support the Society’s sustainability ambitions and its commitment to the UNSDG by evaluating potential suppliers against the UNSDG during the procurement process.
Supply chain diversity and inclusion
We’re committed to encouraging and developing a truly diverse and representative supply chain that fosters new business innovations and drives value for all parties, members and the community.
We welcome interest from local suppliers (organisations with headquarters within 50 miles of our principal office address).
Suppliers based within the West Midlands Combined Authority region can view current tender opportunities and express their interest at
Suppliers that are owned and managed by marginalised (or underrepresented) groups can view current tender opportunities and express their interest at
Supplier Code of Conduct
We choose to work with suppliers that share our sustainability ethos and are committed to always improving. That’s why we ask our suppliers to agree to our Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF 1.48MB) which sets out what we value as an organisation.
These principles define who we are, how we work, and what we stand for, showing what we expect of ourselves and those who work for us.
While the Code of Conduct isn’t a set of rules and can’t cover every possible situation, it does show what we expect and how we’re seeking to embed the principles of the UNGC in our dealings with suppliers. Suppliers are asked to report any potential or actual breaches of the Code to
Get in touch
Current suppliers or organisations interested in working with Coventry Building Society can contact us at