Learn about fixed rate ISAs

What is a fixed rate ISA?

A fixed rate ISA is a tax-free savings account that offers a higher interest rate in exchange for locking your money away for a fixed term (typically 1-5 years), making it suitable for those who don't need to access their money for a specific  period of time.

Mary’s story - choosing a fixed rate ISA

Mary has a large savings pot that she doesn't plan to access anytime soon. She took out a fixed rate ISA because of the high interest rate and security it provided. Her savings are now working harder for her than in a regular savings account, giving her peace of mind to live comfortably and enjoy her retirement.

What happens at the end of a fixed term?

When your fixed rate ISA comes to the end of its term, you've got the ability to choose what you’d like to do with your savings. The easiest way to check when your ISA term will end is by using our Online Services but if you have any questions, call us or pop into a branch.


If you’re registered for Online Services you will receive an email with instructions - otherwise, we’ll mail you an ISA maturity pack by post.

What happens when my fixed rate ISA reaches the end of its term?

At least 14 days before your fixed rate ISA comes to the end of its term,  we'll email or post you all the information you need on what you can do next. This will include a Maturity Instruction form and details of how you can:

  • Re-invest your savings with us;
  • Top up your ISA for the new tax year;
  • Withdraw some or all of your money;
  • Transfer your money to another provider;
  • Or request an ISA transfer from either another Coventry Building Society ISA or another provider.

If we don't hear from you, we'll automatically re-invest your savings into the default option on your Maturity Instruction form and let you know when it's done. You only need to send us the Maturity Instruction form back if you want to do something rather than re-invest in the default option.

If you have any questions or need any help deciding what to do, you can also call us or pop into any branch. We’ll be happy to help.

Can I take money out of my fixed rate ISA at the end of the term?

Yes, you can take money out of your fixed rate ISA at the end of the term, by transferring it to a non-ISA account, either with us or with another provider. However, the money you withdraw or transfer will lose its tax-free status. Or you can complete an ISA transfer to keep your savings tax-free status. For ISA transfers to another provider, you will need to request the transfer by contacting your new ISA provider.

If you take money out or transfer it within 21 days of your fixed rate period coming to an end, there won’t be any charges. But after 21 days, you may need to give us notice or pay a charge – or you may only be able to close your new ISA in full. Check the Specific Terms for your new fixed rate ISA to see if this applies.

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