Learn about Junior Cash ISAs

Junior Cash ISAs are tax-free savings accounts for under 18s.
Give your children the gift of a head start
Whether it’s to help with their first car, education, or a deposit, a Junior Cash ISA can build a nest egg for your child to help them start saving money early.
Financial education without the risk
A Junior Cash ISA can be a powerful tool in helping to teach your child about saving money and financial responsibility, while you remain in control of the funds.
Invest tax-free
With tax-free interest and contributions of up to £9,000 for this tax year, a Junior Cash ISA is a great way for parents to maximise money for their child before they turn 18.

Some things to keep in mind

For the 2024/2025 tax year, you can put in up to £9,000.
While only a parent or legal guardian can set up a Junior Cash ISA for their child, anyone can pay into it, meaning family and friends can also help you to invest in your child's future.
A child can only hold one Junior Cash ISA and can only access the funds once they turn 18.

How will a Junior Cash ISA help my child’s financial education?

Research has found that financial education, including the use of Junior Cash ISAs, can have a positive impact on children's financial literacy, attitudes, and behaviour towards money.


There's research to support the benefits of childrens' understanding of money.


  • A study published in the Journal of Consumer Affairs found that children who received financial education were more likely to save and less likely to carry credit card debt.
  • A report by the Money Advice Service found that children whose parents involve them in family finances and encourage them to save are more likely to be confident in managing their own money.

Junior ISA

Toyin's story

As a new mum, it's really important to Toyin that she begins to invest in her son's financial future early on. A Junior Cash ISA is designed for children under the age of 18, so it gives her reassurance that she's helping to teach her son about making informed financial decisions from a young age. 

Junior ISA

George's story

George decided to open a Junior Cash ISA for his daughter to ensure she would be financially stable when starting university. Having an account in his daughter's name which George manages on her behalf and pays into regularly gives them both peace of mind that she can enjoy her university experience without having to worry about money.

What happens to the account when the child turns 18?

When your child turns 18, their Junior Cash ISA turns into an adult cash ISA (called a Matured Junior ISA). From 18, your child can access their savings; all they'll need is to provide some ID to allow us to approve their access.

Before your child's 18th birthday, we'll send information about the specific terms of their new account so they know how to pay in and take money out.

Who’s responsible for a Junior Cash ISA?

The Junior Cash ISA (including all money invested) belongs to the child. However, if they're under 16, an adult with parental responsibility (known as the 'registered contact') must open the account on their behalf and manage it until they turn 16. The registered contact will also receive any updates and correspondence about the child's account.

When can my child access their savings?

If your child has a Junior Cash ISA, they can't access their savings or close the account until they turn 18. But if they want to, they can move all their savings to another Junior Cash ISA provider.

One thing to remember is that you can only hold one Junior Cash ISA at a time, so you would need to transfer any Junior Cash ISA funds in full.

Can my child open a Junior Cash ISA if they’re 16 or 17?

 Yes, up until the age of 18.

As you may already know, when your child turns 18 they can only pay into one Cash ISA per year. On the childs 18th birthday we will convert the account to a Cash ISA. 

What if my child has a Child Trust Fund?

If your child has a Child Trust Fund (CTF), it’s easy to transfer the savings into our Junior Cash ISA. The registered contact will simply need to fill in and sign a form, then we’ll take care of the rest. Just call us at 0800 121 8899 or pop into a branch and we’ll explain how it works.

Remember: you can only hold one Junior Cash ISA or Child Trust Fund at a time, so you would need to transfer the full balance of a Junior Cash ISA.

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