Iain Plunkett
I've always been drawn to values-driven organisations that put their customers and the communities they serve at the heart of everything they do, and I've always admired the building society movement.  I am very much looking forward to working with my colleagues to bring great value backed up by excellent service to many more people.

Caroline Marsh

Independent Non-Executive Director

Appointed to the Board

January 2025 

Committee membership

Chair of Remuneration Committee. Member of Nominations & Governance Committee and Board Risk Committee.


Caroline has held many positions during her executive career in financial services. She spent the first 13 years of her career in retail banking at Barclays. She then joined Virgin as they moved into banking in the late 1990s and was a member of the Executive Committee of Virgin Money until 2018. As Virgin Money’s Culture Director, Caroline led the successful cultural integration of Northern Rock and Virgin Money. She also led Virgin Money's social enterprise strategy. Caroline has six years of experience as a Non-Executive Director.

External appointments

Independent Non-Executive Director of Lowell’s UK business.