About us

All together, better

From the little to the life-changing, we make it all add up

We look after our savers and borrowers

That's what being a mutual is all about

We were founded in 1884 by local businessman, Thomas Mason Daffern, who created a mutually beneficial relationship between savers and borrowers to help the people of Coventry buy their own homes. You might hear us being referred to as a 'mutual', and this is why. 


As a saver, we look after your money and pay as much interest as we can. And as a borrower, we make sure your mortgage is affordable and offers good value, as well as providing great support if your circumstances change. 


We’re owned by our members. And because we don’t have shareholders, everything we do is based on your best interests. You tell us very clearly what you want and we work hard to take care of everyone’s needs.

Together for...

Woman by tree


Savers are in safe hands with us – and so is their money. Our incredible customer service makes us special, saving our members time and effort. 




We help borrowers at all stages of life to buy their own home. Most recently, we’ve been helping first time buyers with a First Home Saver account. 


We care about making life better, not only for our members and our employees, but also the communities in which they live and work.


We’re doing everything we can to help protect the environment future generations. We want to have a positive impact on the enviornment we all share. 

It feels good to be B Corp

We’re committed to a future that’s all together, better.

Illustration of a green house with solar panels

We get noticed for the things we do

Fairer Finance Award
Fairer Finance

Most transparent for savings

(autumn 2024)

Fairer Finance Award
Fairer Finance
Gold ribbon for customer experience for our mortgages (autumn 2024)
Great Place to Work 2024 award
Great Place to Work
Best Workplaces Super Large Organisations