
Our current charges are listed below and in our:

Saving Accounts Terms and Conditions

Saving Accounts Terms and Conditions (2023).


We apply these charges automatically, even if it means they take your balance below £0.

You can ask us for a copy of our current charges at any time. If you would like to see our historic charges, please contact us.



Charge When we make the charges
Withdrawals from LINK cash machines

We don't charge for this but you may be charged by other organisations when you use their cash machines.
Charge for making withdrawals from Visa and PLUS cash machines abroad

2% of sterling transaction value

We convert the amount of the withdrawal to pounds sterling on the date we take it out of your account at the wholesale rate of exchange applied by Visa. We then charge 2% of the sterling transaction value.  
We normally deduct this charge from your account within 14 business banking days of you making the withdrawal. 

These charges are inclusive of taxes (if any apply)

If we increase any of our charges, we'll notify you at least two months before the change comes into effect. If we make a charge as a result of our error, we will of course cancel, waive or refund the charge.

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Our help section is bursting with useful information. If you'd rather chat, just give us a call.


Call us on 0800 121 8899

Lines open
  • Mon-Fri 8am-7pm
  • Saturday 9am-2pm
  • Sunday & Bank holidays Closed
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Want help?
Our help section is bursting with useful information. If you'd rather chat, just give us a call.


Call us on

0800 121 8899

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