Affordability calculator
Mortgage, applicant and loan details
Employment and income details
Expenditure details
Mortgage details
Expected property purchase price or valuation
The Expected property purchase price or valuation field is required.
Enter a value between 1 and 9999999 for Expected property purchase price or valuation
Location of property (enter a minimum of the first two characters of the postcode)
The value entered for Location of property (enter a minimum of the first two characters of the postcode) is not valid.
Number of applicants
The Number of applicants field is required.
Number of adults including the applicant(s) who will be resident in the property
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Number of adults including the applicant(s) who will be resident in the property.
The Number of adults including the applicant(s) who will be resident in the property field is required.
Enter a value between 1 and 20 for Number of adults including the applicant(s) who will be resident in the property
Number of financial dependants living at home (children/elderly relatives)
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The number of family members that are financially dependant on the applicant. Where applicants have joint financial responsibility for a dependant, please only enter this dependant once against one of the applicants.
The Number of financial dependants living at home (children/elderly relatives) field is required.
Enter a value between 0 and 20 for Number of financial dependants living at home (children/elderly relatives)
Will the applicant(s) benefit from a reduction in council tax for the property?
The Will the applicant(s) benefit from a reduction in Council Tax for the property? field is required.
Loan details
Type of loan
Remortgage without Additional Borrowing
The Type of loan field is required.
Total mortgage amount
The Total mortgage amount field is required.
Enter a value between 0 and 9999999 for Total mortgage amount
Term of mortgage
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Our current maximum term is 40 years.
Applicant details
Applicant 1
Date of birth
The Date of birth - day field is required.
Enter a value between 1 and 31 for Date of birth - day
The Date of birth - month field is required.
Enter a value between 1 and 12 for Date of birth - month
The Date of birth - year field is required.
Enter a value between 1925 and 2008 for Date of birth - year
The Gender field is required.